

(error-msg v)(error-msg t v)

Validate the cron expression v based on the cron type t, which can be either :unix or :quartz and defaults to the former. Returns nil if validation succeeds, and an error string otherwise.


(next-run v)(next-run t v)

Get the next execution time for the cron expression v from now.


(next-run-after v dt)(next-run-after t v dt)

Get the next execution time for the cron expression v after date/time dt.


(valid? v)(valid? t v)

Validate the cron expression v based on the cron type t, which can be either :unix or :quartz and defaults to the former. Returns true or false.


(validate v)(validate t v)

Validate the cron expression v based on the cron type t, which can be either :unix or :quartz and defaults to the former. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if validation fails.