

(make-handler)(make-handler config)

Returns a Ring handler function providing the cljobq web UI.


  • :db A db-spec map. If specified, it is used in preference to the db-spec in the context.
  • :context cljobq context created via cljobq.core/make-context. If not specified, the implicit cljobq.core/global-ctx* atom set using cljobq.core/set-context! is used instead. If :db is specified, that is used instead of any db-spec in the specified context.
  • :base-url Specify a base url under which cljobq.web is being served. This affects the generated HTML only, e.g. affects links, CSS and JS urls. If omitted, assumes relative links such as /job/abc will find their way to cljobq.web. If, however, cljobq.web is being fronted under, say, /cljobq, :base-url should be set to that.
  • :ring-defaults Specify a custom ring.middleware.defaults configuration.


(def cljobq-handler
    {:db {:connection-uri "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jobqtest?user=test&password=test"}))
